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    Lord Thing

    分类:电影 美国  1970 


    导演:DeWitt Beall 




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    Chicago Film Archives has restored two remarkable “lost” films that shed new light on an overlooked chapter of Chicago history: the role of gangs in West Side neighborhoods in the 1950s and 1960s, especially the organization known as the Vice Lords and, later, the Conservative Vice Lords. LORD THING in particular qualifies as a major rediscovery, not only for its eye-opening subject matter, but also for its dynamic style--an urgent mosaic of speeches, recollections, on-the-spot footage, and vigorously staged rumbles. Spawned by poverty and police harassment, the Lords eventually turned from destructive street violence to constructive social activism, only to be targeted by the Daley administration as a political and economic threat.DeWitt Beall’s LORD THING (1970) is a film that “begins in the ghetto streets of the mid-Fifties— a virtual combat zone for dozens of small neighborhood gangs from different parts of the city [that in time unite] forces in a common cause.” Only a muddy VHS copy of the film had been circulating until CFA recently discovered 16mm prints in storage and under the care of Beall’s widow. This film won a Silver Medal in the Venice Film Festival.

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    Lord Thing剧情解析

    Lord Thing剧情解析

    House Targaryen of King's Landing - Fire and Blood坦格利安家族——血火同源House Stark of Winterfell - Winter Is Coming史塔克家族——凛冬将至House Greyjoy of Pyke - We Do Not Sow葛雷乔伊家族——强取胜于苦耕House Tully of Riverrun - Family, Duty, Honor徒利家族——家族、责任、光荣流传House Lannister of Casterly Rock - Hear Me Roar!兰尼斯特家族——听我怒吼House Arryn of the Eyrie - As High as Honor艾林家族——高如荣誉House Tyrell of Highgarden (HG) - Growing Strong提利尔家族——生生不息House Baratheon of Storm's End - Ours Is the Fury拜拉席恩家族——怒火燎原House Martell of Sunspear - Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken马泰尔家族——不屈不挠

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    泰剧大全免费收集:Lord Thing完整版全集高清,Lord Thing在线免费观看,讲述了:Chicago Film Archives has restored two remarkable “lost” films that shed new light on an overlooked ...

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